Eng-Spa-Eng Certified Translation
- Birth, marriage, divorce certificates and the like
- Academic documents (diplomas, transcripts, etc.)
- Legal documents (contracts, powers of attorney, travel authorizations for minors, court decisions, etc.)
- Driver’s licences and abstracts
- Supporting documents for immigration applications and refugee claims (I also accept Legal Aid Ontario’s rates for clients who have coverage)
- Any other documents that you need translated for official purposes

Eng-Spa-Eng Notarized and Apostilled Translation
If your translation needs to be apostilled or legalized by a foreign consulate, I help you with that too! I am familiar with the requirements and will save you many headaches. For this type of service, I attach a notarized affidavit of translation to the final product. I can even deliver your translation already apostilled by Official Document Services of Ontario (as applicable).

Eng-Spa-Eng Non-Certified Translation
- Brochures, websites, instruction manuals, restaurant menus, and marketing materials
- Papers for publication in specialized journals (my niche is Economics, but I work in many other areas)
- Books and magazines (yes, many of my translations have been published!)
- Assembly/care instructions and warranties (don’t let your products become memes; there are enough “Made in Turkey = Hecho en Pavo” failures out there!)
- And any other materials you need translated

Typical Workflow
- You email me a digital copy of your original document, or your manuscript in an editable format.
- I review your document and respond to your email (often within minutes, but please allow up to 24 hours) with a detailed quote that includes the price, delivery date, payment, and shipping options.
- You secure my services by making payment as quoted.
- I work my magic and send you a digital copy of the translation in .pdf format (or an editable file if your translation is not certified) and the hard copy of your certified translation either by regular mail or courier.
- I email you my invoice, for your records.